Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Balance That Matters

The title of my blog is "Finding Balance", looking at balance that matters. Finding this balance this fall has meant no posts for a very, very long time.

Instead, August was full of first getting to celebrate with friends for their wedding in Florida, then rushing home to start in full gear for staff prep meetings for our September launch on campus (which meant a lot more out of the house work hours, even with being part-time, there was a lot I needed to be there for) and then of course our September launch. Which, with Matt and I doing stuff with expansion campuses in helping to start ministries of Power to Change on other campuses across the Maritimes, that meant lots of travel and basically the feeling of frosh week lasting the entire month. And when work was not the issue, spending quality time with family, especially having special times with Hannah was a priority, since she was going from place to place to be watched by others a lot more than normal. And most importantly, was making sure that I got to spend time reading my Bible and just getting away from the chaos of the world and be refreshed in my relationship with God.

Oh yeah, and all done in my first trimester of pregnancy, while feeling AWFUL. I prayed that this time I would feel the symptoms for sure to know that the baby was healthy. I was worried after having the miscarriage, so I wanted to have signs to know things would be okay. That was a big mistake! God answered and I felt it all, much worse than before.

But we survived!

And now I can have a chance to process through writing again and get caught up on a lot of things that have been floating around in my head.

These special moments matter to me and trump a lot of others! 

family walk - stopping to sit/play by the water

This is how Hannah shows off the flowers she picked! 
She is such a little character! I can't get enough of her! 


planting tulip bulbs for next year!

(yes all pictures were taken the same day, we only had so many days all together, we packed them with as much quality time as possible!)